What do you get when you add,
4 days per week +
3 hours per day +
6 weeks +
12 multilingual students +
2 bilingual support teachers +
1 experienced math teacher = ?
A successful formula to build foundational math skills.
Earlier this year, the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence noticed that some English-language learners enrolled in our after-school programs lacked foundational math skills, preventing them from succeeding in algebra. So, in keeping with our organization’s mission to remove barriers to learning and create equitable access for all Montclair students, MFEE called on retired math teacher Emmett Murphy to run a summer math intensive.
The goal of “Matléticos” was to teach students the concepts they need to keep pace with their peers and to thrive in middle school math and beyond.
“The program was an excellent way to jumpstart these students for the upcoming school year,” Murphy said. “It really demonstrated that these students are quite capable of achieving excellence.”
With the help of MFEE bilingual support teachers Rachell Arteaga and Lesley Xicotencatl, the students worked intensely during the rigorous program, drilling fact fluency, and learning proportions, fractions, and multi-step algebraic problems.
Alisson Valladares, a rising 9th grader, said Murphy broke down complicated concepts into simple steps, and she feels better prepared for high school. “I always felt very confused in math class, and I didn’t feel like I even knew how to ask the right questions. But Mr. Murphy taught in a way that made things make sense. I am very proud of myself for making it through. It was hard, and I learned a lot.” she said.
Cristian Morocho, who will also be a freshman this year, shared similar sentiments. “It was great that the teaching was done in Spanish, too, because I love math, but in school I hadn’t been able to understand what was being taught,” he said. “I loved learning all of the different ways to solve fractions and equations, and I got very good at all of my math facts. I also like that Mr. Murphy taught us not to be afraid to go up to the board and explain our work or to ask a question when we don’t understand.”
“[Mr. Murphy] also focuses on improving each of your mathematical weaknesses so that you come out of his classes stronger,” added Keidell Ebanks, another rising 9th grader whose skills and comprehension soared this summer.
These leaps in learning and confidence are the true measure of the program’s impact. Some students had missed out on these fundamental math skills because they immigrated to the U.S. during the pandemic or had other gaps in their education, said Masiel Rodriquez-Vars, executive director of MFEE. “In just six weeks, we saw a huge jump in both skills and self-confidence. The students worked so hard. It’s incredible to watch them articulate math concepts in ways they never have before,” she said.
Rodriquez-Vars hopes to work with the district to extend MFEE’s work to more students in the future.
In addition to Matléticos, MFEE also conducted project-based summer learning programs for teens focused on entrepreneurship, as well as academic support for elementary-aged students.
MFEE serves more than 85 non-English-speaking families through the Navegadores Escolares program, helping them navigate the Montclair Public Schools, and provides after-school and summer tutoring through our Oruguitas and Entrenadores Escolares programs. This impactful work is only possible with community support. Join MFEE on Saturday, October 26, for Sabor Montclair!, a take-out dinner fundraiser, with meals prepared by some of the newest members of Montclair’s Latinx community. Stay tuned for details!