Si está interesado en ser emparejado con un Navegador para recibir apoyo, para usted o en nombre de otra persona, comuníquese con Anyily Agudelo at anyily@mfee.org o envíanos un mensaje de texto a 877-442-6333
In systems that operate almost exclusively in English, non-English-speaking parents in Montclair face many barriers to meaningfully engaging and supporting their children. Students face barriers to accessing the education and fundamental resources to which they are entitled. While the district is intent on addressing the needs of our rapidly growing population of multilingual learners, institutional change takes time, and our children need support now.
Over the past few years MFEE has developed a robust platform of programming and advocacy in service of boosting the academic and social-emotional outcomes of English-Language Learner (ELL) students in Montclair Public Schools. This work has three pillars:
We support families of ELL students by hosting workshops, providing real-time critical support, and by training and supporting community volunteers who partner with families to help them navigate the school system.
We offer bilingual tutoring and enrichment activities through MFEE’s after-school programs, Entrenadores Escolares and Oruguitas.
We work with Montclair Public Schools and local organizations to examine and address systemic barriers to equitable education for ELL students. One example of this are the Teacher Learning Communities.
Get involved
Become a Navegador/a!(“Navigator”). MFEE recruits and trains Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking community members to support familias. Navegadores can be matched with an individual familia to provide one-on-one holistic support - with everything from helping parents navigate the online portal, to attending meetings with teachers and counselors, to connecting parents to health, housing and food resources. Navegadores who aren’t matched with a familia participate in other ways - building bridges with other community programs, sharing expertise in their fields, and participating in community-building gatherings and workshops to nurture self-advocacy among las familias.
Please complete this short interest form to learn more about becoming a Navegador/a: https://bit.ly/Navegadores_apply
Become a tutor. Through Entrenadores Escolares (for middle and high schoolers) and Oruguitas (for K-5th graders) students get much-needed social connections, academic support, and educational enrichment. The after school programs couldn’t operate without our adult and teen volunteers who help students with homework, test prep, and core skill development in English and math. The students' needs are dynamic and change over time - tutors do not need to have specific academic aptitudes. What is most important is patience and an encouraging approach to supporting the students!
Please complete this short interest form to learn more about becoming a tutor: https://bit.ly/MFEEtutors
Become a volunteer driver. Our students can’t get to and from the after school program without the help of volunteer drivers. There are many options for days and times - you provide the car and friendly face, and MFEE takes care of the rest!
Please complete this short interest form to learn more about becoming a volunteer driver: https://bit.ly/Navegadores_apply