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Bradford GRANTS at A Glance.png.webp

Enhancing Reading Workshop: Make Best Use of Explicit, Systematic Phonics, Small Group
Zones of Regulation and Social Thinking
Look Closer! Equipping Students with Powerful Magnifying Glasses
Distance Learning Software for Asynchronous Language Learners
Making School Easy as A, B, C with New Phonic-teaching Resources
Heat Up Learning with Kindle Fires
2nd Language Learning Through Videomaking
Listening Libraries: Gateway to Rich Literature
Ipads Beyond the Screen - Making the Most of Osmo Software
Strengthening Auditory Memory and Sequencing - HearBuilder!
Storage Pouches Build Organizational Skills
Literacy Intervention Materials
Books for 5th Grade Book Groups
Take a Break Box to Help K Students with Fine Motor Skills & Managing Emotions
Gaga Court to engage all Physical, Strategic & Collaborative Play
Bob Books- Early Decodable Readers
Bradford ELA Grade 5 Community of Inquiry through Literature
Journey Across America: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Geography, Math, Science, and Writing
Social Studies/Science Books to enrich curriculum
Sensory Solutions for an Inclusive Classroom
Flexible Seating for 3rd grade and Technology Lab
Books to Boost Early Literacy Skills for Children who Struggle
Individual Dry Erase Boards for Skills
Lindamood Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing PD Workshop
Smart But Scattered: Executive Dysfunction at Home and at School PD Workshop
Books That Heal Kids Social Emotional Resource

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Creating an Elements of Social Justice Library
Upcycled Paper at the Green School
We Are Family: Reading Materials to Enrich Inclusivity
Making the Classroom Racially, Culturally, and Inclusive
Building a diverse, multicultural library relating to STEM
Creating Digital Comics in the Classroom
Play and Learn - Materials to Leverage Play for Learning iTime Puzzles
Standing Desks to Increase Student Focus
Flexed and Focused Classroom - Range of Alternative Seating to Increase Focus Breathe and Stretch to Reboot
Developing STEM Resources
All Abuzz About Programming - Equipment to Teach Coding
Using Emotes to Encourage Pro-Social Behavior
MudWatt Microbe Kit - Discover the POWER beneath your feet!
Read-Along Sets
Standing Desks for First Grade Classrooms
Active Seating in Resource Rooms
Standing Tables for 5th grade (2 grants awarded)
STEAM Resources Expansion
Sensory Strategies and Safety
We Stick Together alternative Social Skills Games for Students with Sensory Needs

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I Love a Piano: Keyboards for the Kids
Science Exploration in the Outdoor Classroom
Montessori on The Move
Phonics for Older Readers
Women's History Reading
ELL Resources for the Classroom
CLASS STORE: Real-World Math for Real-Life Learning
Books Without Borders - 4th/5th graders create their own Spanish-language books to share with children in Guatemala
Zebra Finches - Interdisciplinary Study of Life Cycles and Migration of Finches
Metamorphosis and a Study of the Life Cycle of Frogs - Enriching STEAM curriculum
Instruments for the Edgemont Band - Additional Support to Ensure Music for All
Become an Olympian - Tech software and resources to Enrich Literacy at all Levels
Alternative Seating for Edgemont Makerspace
Music Edventures SongWorks Professional Development
Multiple Math Games
Spirit of the Game: Ultimate Frisbee @ Edgemont Montessori
Take Home Book Baggies Read at Home Program
Moving Readers Project: From Struggling to Proficient
Edgemont- Breakout EDU Kits
Edgemont Community: Enriching, Connecting and Learning Together
Sensory Processing Integrative Solutions for Optimal Learning and Performance
Social/Emotional Reference/Resource Library

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The Full Anti-Racist SEL Suite
FLENJ Annual Conference and Workshops
Calm, Connected, Comfortable Classroom
SEL Tool Box
Calming Area Including Nugget Couch, Art Work, and Standing Table.
Flexible Seating
Under a Microscope!
Windows and Mirrors: Building Classroom Libraries that Represent All
Performing with Amazing Voices
Fortifying Science Instruction for All
Instructional Keyboard Covers
Turning Drummers Into Musicians
Leveled Nonfiction Readers
Reader's Theater - Making Literacy Come Alive
Kean University Professional Development for 6+ Staff: Developing a Makerspace Lens Across Curricula
Professional Development: Maximizing Children’s Literature in the Language Arts Classroom
Foreign Language Educators of NJ Annual Conference for Mandarin Teacher
Professional Development: Mindfulness in the Classroom
Lindamood-Bell Professional Development
Redefining Autism Professional Development Workshop
Chinese Calligraphy Center
Book Buddy Bags: Promoting Organizational Skills for all 3rd Graders
Emerging Filmmakers: Final Cut Pro Video Editing Program
TIME For Kids: Supplemental Literacy Materials to Boost Reading and Social Studies
Leveled Libraries for Literacy Development
Supplemental Reading Materials to Complement District Curriculum
Flexible Seating to Increase Student Focus
Developing Young Authors - Materials to Bind Student-Produced Books
Latin American Classical Music for the Spanish Audio Collection
Here Now/Hear Now: Materials to Enhance Expressive Receptive Skills
Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom
Support for Program to Troubleshoot and Problem Solve Difficult Feelings and Behaviors in School
Collection of manipulative resources to complement kinesthetic activities in the world language classroom.
Dyslexic Readers and Kindle Tablets
What Did You Say?, a systematic approach to teaching vocabulary
Tap Dance Class Shoes & Mats for Dance fitness
Elmo Document Cameras
Teaching Heroism and Diversity in the Classroom
Science Synergy Symposium
Multi-Cultural Family Connections Project
Seeing Stars Program for Reading Fluency and Spelling PD Workshop
Screenagers screening for Parents and 5th Graders

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Sensory Bin
Sensory Regulated Students in the Classroom
Sight Words in Motion
Science of Reading and Multi-Sensory Approach to Learning
Reading & Math Centers
For the Love of Reading - Creating a Literature-Rich Environment
Flock of Finches - Early Experiences with Coding
Magical Math: Math Activity Centers
Making FUNdations Even More FUNdamental!
Glockenspiels for Musical Literacy
Beyond Simple Graphing: 3D Pie Charting
Listening Centers for First Grade Students
Tools for Scientific Investigation: Microscopes and Slides
CI/Aesthetics + Library Resources = Learning Power
iPads to Enrich Center Time for 2 classes
Instant Learning Centers for Students with Special Needs
Classroom Leveled Lending Library
Seeds Artist Residency: Instrument Making Camp & Performance "What's That Sound?"
Glockenspiels for Musical Literacy
Cultural Infusion: Music and Maps
Building Fluency and Literacy in World Languages - TPRS (Total Proficiency through Storying) in Mandarin Chinese PD Conference
Start American Sign Language Online Course PD Class

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Mindful Moments at Northeast
Class Set of Books - Trail of Tears
Ubuntu Black Lives Matter Street Mural Project
Hokki Stools for Alternative Seating Options
Flexible Learning Allowing for Outdoor Education
Handwriting Improvement Tools to Increase Legibility and Handwriting Speed
Diverse Children's Books
Global Classroom - Collaborating with Students from Around the World
Meeting the Standards with Nonfiction and Informational Texts - 5th Grade
High Interest Fiction for Almost Tweens! - 5th Grade
"Wiggle While You Work!” - Alternative Seating to Increase Student Focus
Kleen Slate Across the Board - Individual Whiteboards to Maximize Student Participation
Splash Math - Software and Database for Enriching and Tracking Math Progress
Revitalizing Physical Education Equipment to Promote Fitness
Math Centers - Making Math Come Alive
Engaging Children’s Literature to Hook Reluctant Readers
Ipads to Enhance Student Growth -
Razz Kids - Online software to promote multi-disciplinary learning
Strengthening Our Social Emotional Toolbox
Hokki Stools and Standing Table for Alternative Seating Options
iPads to Enhance Student Growth
Meaningful Morning Tubs and Centers
Physical Education equipment to Enrich K-5th grades
Reading Kits for additional literacy support
Books for Cozy Corner- Library for 2 classes
Purposeful Reading Leveled Literacy Library

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Enhancing Orton Gillingham Math Conference
STEAM Through the Year
Acadience Math Essential Workshop
Indoor Sensory Pathway - "Going on a Bear Walk"
Understanding our Natural World to Inspire Activism
Decodable Readers for Success
The Race To Reading Proficiency
Gelliarts: Monoprinting without a press
QR Codes and Math, Perfect Together!
Individual music dry erase boards
Be the TEAM in STEAM - Materials for Collaborative Science and Engineering Projects
Materials to Enhance New STEAM Center
Books Galore! - Small Sets of High-Interest Literature for 4th Grade Book Clubs
Lighting a Love for Reading with Kindle Fires
Strengthening our Social and Emotional Toolbox
Move it With Simple Machines
Spicing up Science with Quality Nonfiction Science Books
Fluency in World Language - Readers Theater Scripts and Materials
Manipulative Mania - Project-Based, Hands-On Learning Materials for all Kindergarteners
Google Boot Camp
Kindergarteners Rock at Reading!
Early reader Spanish chapter books & audio books
Full STEAM Ahead! program
Zooming in on Learning Document Camera
Let's Get Talking! Project to enhance speech skills
My America-Partner Readers -Book Titles in American History and Historical Fiction
Math Night 4K
Gathering Drums in Elementary Education
Family Game Night
Engaging with Ipads
Superflex! Building Flexibility in Social Problem Solving
Making it Meaningful: Lessons on Poverty and Hunger to Give Context to School Philanthropic Drives
Literature Connections: Reinforcing Social and Emotional Learning
Google Certified Educator Level 2 Boot Camp PD Workshop

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Le Petit Prince et les Planètes - Interdisciplinary Study of French Literature and Science
Breakout EDU: Critical Thinking, Teamwork, Complex Problem Solving in All Content Areas
Science World Current Event Magazine
Digital Photography - Projecting Student Photos!
Get Graphic! 1 and 2 - Unlocking Students’ Writing Potential Through Study and Creation of Graphic Arts Novels
Every Story Matters 2.0: A Youth Poetry Slam for Buzz Aldrin Middle School Students
Lighting Up the Middle School Energy Unit!
Updating Middle School Fiction and Nonfiction Trade Books
Bringing Chemical Reactions to Life: Exploring Types of Chemical Reactions
Habitable Structures on Mars - Materials for Architecture Course Study
The Reading Bowl!
Obstacles & Teams Phys. Ed Game Equipment
The Just Dance Reading Corner
El Escape Loco (The Crazy Escape) Breakout EDU Kit
Short Stories Storytellers Fiction and Non-fiction series
On Stage! Microphone and audio equipment
Multicultural U.S. History Library
Reading Adventures in French and Spanish
Horton Dance Movement and Teaching Techniques PD Worksop
The World is Our Pond: What Will Your Ripple Be PD Conference
Content Driven Design Challenge PD Workshops for Science Staff

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GSA - Dragging the Time Away!
Restoration Station - a Place for Staff to Reset, Meditate, Regulate and Practice Self-Care
Flexible Seating To Engage Students
Digital Scientific Balances to Teach Mass
Fun Digital Library with Flangoo
Screen Printing Kits
Classroom Fidgets and Stand Up Desk
Facilitating a Comfortable Reading Program Environment for our Struggling Readers
Persepolis - A Graphic Novel to Teach Social Equality and Diversity
Teach our Teachers - Sending Educators to the NJEA Teacher Leader Academy
Resident Rembrandts - Art Supplies for Students at Home
Subscription for Young Scholars - Increasing Early Literacy with an Online Library
Sew on the Go! - Portable Sewing Kits to Ensure Hands-On Action during Remote Learning
When the Day's a Drag - Empowering the Glenfield GSA through discussion with an LGBTQ+ Icon
Quality Quizziz - Bettering Asynchronous Learning with an Interactive App
Social Emotional Learning Through Socially Distant Dance
Take a Stand! - Standing Desks for 7th Grade House to Improve Student Focus
Focus Tools - Fidget Materials to Improve Student Focus
Audio Equipment to Enhance Read 180
You Don't Know Me Until You Know Me - School-Wide Empathy-Building Program
Empty Bowls - Glenfield Art & Cooking Together for a Cause for MESH
Mindfulness Materials to Promote Student Success and Family Involvement
Lighting Up the Middle School Energy Unit!
Storm the Castle: Building a Stone Wall; Materials to Support New STEAM Programming
New Digital Camera for Glenfield Primetime and Student Film Courses/Experiences
Bringing Chemical Reactions to Life: Exploring Types of Chemical Reactions
Stopwatches for Science Experiments
Classroom Standing Desks for 7th Grade House to Improve Student Focus
CrossFit, TRX - Innovative Equipment to Enhance Fitness Courses
Invisible Art & Poetry Materials
Makerspace Engineering Project - Materials to Support for New STEAM Programming
NJ Science Teachers Convention Fees for Science Teachers Who Presented
Foreign Language Educators of NJ Annual Conference for Multiple Spanish, French and Mandarin Teachers
Glenfield Spin Class Peloton Bikes
Flip it Fridays! Lesson Project
Chasing Lincoln's Killer Book Class Set
Classroom Standing Desks
Lego Robot Kits for the Glenfield Robotics Team
Graphic Novels - Drop Everything and Read
Introducing Experimental Evidence into Climate Change Lessons
Creating Change Conference on LGBTQ Social Justice Movement
Flourish to Nourish Program to Develop Self-Esteem

Chair Bands for Students with Attention Deficits or Anxiety
Land Acknowledgment of the Lenni-Lenape Tribal-Nation
Painting Infrastructure
Comfortable/Practicable Seating students for 21st Century Learning
Diversity in Reading Works!
Pesto, Primavera & Purpose - Hydroponic Gardening to Grow Fresh Food for Local Food Pantries and for the Renaissance Cafeteria (Double Grant)
Renaissance Auditorium Improvement Project - Boosting Sound System
Renaissance Auditorium Improvement Project - Improving Performance Space for Students
Bringing Chemical Reactions to Life: Enhancing Hands-On Science Materials
Bringing Chemical Reactions to Life: Enhancing Hands-On Science Materials
Lighting Up the Middle School Energy Unit: Enhancing Hands-On Science Materials
World View Video Conference project
The Garden at Renaissance
Creative Writing Multi-Sensory Environment
Graded Readers for World Languages classes
Renaissance Community Service Support
Drum Circle equipment for Social & Emotional Expression
Public Service Messages for Middle School Students program

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Montclair High School
Grants at a Glance

Hurricane Ida Repairs
Reviving Physics Equipment for Montclair High School
Art Buttons
Peardeck Platform for Immersive Science Lessons , Effective Co-Teaching and Improved SEL
Library Storytime
Interdisciplinary Language Arts and Science Curriculum based on Steinbeck’s Cannery Row; New Aquarium and Marine Animals
Audio equipment for Chorus and Student Government Programs
Balcony Netting for the MHS Main Gym
20th Century Cultural US History Textbook
MHS Dance Company: Choreography
The Sunflower Project: How Far to Take Forgiveness
Montclair High School College & Career Fair
The Center for Social Justice Newsletter
CSJ Student Study Center
Compact Scales for Geoscience Classrooms
Rutgers Model United Nations Conference & MidMUNC
The Graphic Novel as Literature: Reading Maus by Art Spiegelman
University of Penn Model Congress Conference & Middle School Model Congress Conference
MHS Carpentry: Building Relationships through Storage
Building Relationships through Storage II - Field Hockey
The Americans - In-Depth Resources for 10th and 11th Grade US History Courses
Cooking Equipment for the Biochemistry of Food
Bloodline Film: A youth-produced film on living with HIV
Additional Lab Materials for MHS Resource Center
Closing the Gap with Chromebooks for Student Use at Home
National Foreign Language PD Conference for SeveralTeachers
Update Computer Lab 114 ($27,500)
Summer Reads for Those Who Need
Summer Read Book Talks of English Department
Chemistry Olympics competition
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution State Presentations for CGI
Our Time Together: Collection of poems and short stories in German with illustrations.
School independence through OT
Model Congress Club, Yale Model Congress Competition, Middle School Model Congress registration fees
Model UN Team Ivy League Model UN Conference and Middle School Model UN Conference registration fees
Bulletin boards to replace blackboards in classroom
Using Surface Design to Produce Original Wrapping Paper
What is Current on the World Stage?: Using NY Times in the classroom project
The Moth - All These Wonders: Connecting the Short Stories classroom and storytelling
Digital microscopy
Shop Equipment for MHS Robotics Team
Lingt Language
Vocational Training Project for Life Skills Program
Diverse Choreographers for MHS Dance Co
Sound Program Training for theater students
Project CNC training machine for Carpentry Class
MakerSpace at Montclair High School
Phoenix Literary Magazine Colorized!
Sister to Sister: Empowering Parents and Caregivers: Parent Engagement Retreat
Coursework for NJ High School Certification to teach physics PD
The Lemkin Summit to End Genocide and Mass Atrocities 2018 PD Conference
Cooking for Camera: Facebook Live PD Workshop

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©2023 Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence

EIN: 06-1320335


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